Teacher’s Review

About the PLL-on-line course: quotes from teachers in Scotland and Australia

Hi there,
Got as far as part 6. Loved playing around with the Tellagami and can’t wait to try it with the children.

Hi All!
I’m really loving it – I still have a fair way to go but have enjoyed its interactivity and chance to try it out with my class and husband! Thanks.

I am enjoying the course and am finding it all easy to navigate through. I’ve got lots to practise with my primary ones now and am working on building lots of what I’ve learned so far into our daily routine.

Enjoying the course but had to also learn a bit of IT as well to complete some of the challenges so killed two birds with one stone I suppose. I haven’t worked with recording sound bytes, filming etc before. I like that I can choose when I complete the lessons.

I’m really enjoying the course too, especially the app ideas like sock puppets and Tellagami, which are great! I also like the fact that it’s very modern French, it makes me realise that my school French is very old-fashioned and formal!


Hi all,

I agree that my French is very outdated, so I’m learning a lot. My biggest struggle is getting a chance to do all the challenges with pupils because I have to access pupils from another class for mine and it’s frustrating how many times “other things” get in the way. However, I’m passing my learning on to my colleague when I get a chance to team teach with him, so he’s learning too!

Just wanted to tell you that I really like the French MOOC! I see a lot of potential for it here in Australia too, especially now that schools are required to start teaching languages if they are not already doing so. I see this as a great tool to encourage motivated classroom teachers to teach French to their class or even become the school’s Languages teacher. Of course, a fluent speaker would be ideal, but I could see myself being able to teach French to a class if I was a in a remote school with no access to a Languages teacher. And the only French I know is through this course!
I love the mix of ways the new languages is presented and practised in the MOOC. The explanations are very clear and the native speaker examples easy to understand and follow. I also like the way that the challenges are tied to the teaching of the new language to the class straight away. If I had a class to teach my newly learnt French to, I think I would learn even better myself! (I tried running lessons with my own kids, but they thought that was weird and ran off :() It’s also a brilliant idea to include resources like flashcards for them to use straight away in their lessons, and the teachers can of course show the same native speaker videos to the kids that they have been viewing themselves in order to learn.
So congrats, for a great product! I’m up to lesson 4, I think, and keep going. It’s fun! 🙂

Just worked through the first lesson of the online training course. I really like how it is set out. I found it engaging and easy to follow, as well as building very steadily on prior knowledge. The challenges are a great idea too.