Spanish 2 for Schools – Lesson 9
We are learning to… Talk about members of our family and spell our name.
Let’s start Lesson 9 by doing a quick recap on what you are able to say about YOURSELF so far.
Listen to the two animations below, then try to say the same five pieces of information about yourself. You could use an app such as Chatterpix to record your presentation.
In the following animation, you will learn vocabulary for family members in Spanish.
In this animation you will learn to introduce family members and give information about them, using the third person.
In this short video, you will learn to ask how someone’s name is spelt and how to spell out your own name.
This animation presents the annual fair of Seville, describing its location, clothing, food and much more.
We suggest playing the quiz in teams and using the whiteboards to record pupils’ answers.
Suggested games and activities to reinforce the learning
Challenge 1 – Games: Mini flashcards
Now that you’re an expert about Spanish family, what about a few more games? Download the mini flashcards and play with your classmates. Please check the Teacher’s notes to see what games you could play.
Challenge 2 – Listening: ¿Cómo se escribe?
Watch the following video in which some Spanish people spell out their name. Can you work out what they’re called? Can you write their names down?
Recycle your learning
Arts and Crafts – Can you add your family members to the poster in your classroom? Cut-out speech bubbles and present each new person, giving as much information as you can about them.
For example:
Es mi hermano. Se llama John. Tiene 6 años.
Vive en Edimburgo. Es escocés. Su cumpleaños es el 2 de julio.
This is my brother. His name is John. He is 6 years old.
He lives in Edinburgh. He is Scottish. His birthday is on July 2.
At home – Try to teach your family the words for at least 4 family members.
Once you’ve managed your Challenges, you can start lesson 10!