Spanish 2 for Schools – Lesson 8

We are learning to… Say the date of our birthday and talk about the weather

In this video, you will learn how to ask someone their birthday and say when your birthday is.

Listen to the song and get your learners to sing the Spanish version of “Happy birthday to you”, which in Spanish is “Cumpleaños feliz”. Check the Key Language PowerPoint for the correct pronunciation of the sentence.

Make sure you sing it in Spanish for all your friends’ or family members’ birthdays!

El tiempo means “the weather” or “weather forecast”. Learn some useful phrases on a topic that always comes up in conversation, in Spain as much as anywhere else!

In the PowerPoint document you will find some vocabulary, sound files, flashcards and a writing activity.

Use the flashcards from the PowerPoint to play a game: Guess the missing card, What’s in my bag? Find the card, etc.

El tiempo

Now, play the animation and try to answer before the Spanish speaker!

Describing Mateo’s birthday, this animation presents some interesting facts about birthday celebrations in Spain.


We suggest playing the quiz in teams and using the whiteboards to record pupils’ answers.


Suggested games and activities to reinforce the learning

Challenge 1 – Game: Find your partner

Practise your speaking skills playing this fun game!

The list provided contains 12 birthday dates in Spanish and English. Please refer to the Teacher’s notes to see how to play.

You’ll find the Spanish text and English translation, as well as the audio files for these 12 dates in the Key Language PowerPoint.

Find your partner

Challenge 2 – Game: Los dados y el tiempo

A dice game to practise weather phrases.

Please refer to the Teacher’s notes to see how to play.

Los dados y el tiempo

Recycle your learning

Arts and Crafts – In Lesson 4, you made a collage to represent yourself, as part of a poster. Now that you know how to say your birthday date, add a speech bubble, saying when your birthday is.

Research – Can you find out information about a famous Spanish person, past or present? Pretend to be that person, tell the class your name and when your birthday is. You can also tell the class (in English) a little bit about your fictitious self!

Once you’ve managed your Challenges, you can start lesson 9!

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