German 1 for Schools – Lesson 6
We are… Revising and consolidating
Put these sentences in the right order. Can you try and read each sentence to your partner?
In this video you will get to practise what you have learnt in Lessons 1 to 6 to talk about yourself.
And now for a bit of exercise – in German!
1. Wie viel Uhr ist es, Wolf? Watch the video of German children playing this popular game (What time is it Mr Wolf?). Then watch the animation which presents the vocabulary for the game. Can you play Wie viel Uhr ist es, Wolf? with your class?
2. The PowerPoint presentation contains instructions for 3 German games (with sound files as well as an English translation): Wie viel Uhr ist es, Wolf? (What’s the time, Mr Wolf?), Fische – Fischer (Fish and Fisherman) and der Plumpsack (the plumpsack/bag). Have fun!
Challenge 1 – Role play
Can you invent some short dialogues and perform them in front of the class? Have a go!
Challenge 2 – Quiz
Wer möchte eine Million Süßigkeiten gewinnen? (Who wants to win a million sweeties?): create your own quiz using the template provided. Ask questions related to what you have learned during the course.
Recycle your learning
Recording – Record your dialogues using an app such as Sock Puppets, for example. Send the recordings to the pupils’ parents/carers and/or upload them on the school website.