German 1 for Schools – Lesson 1
We are learning to… Greet people and express feelings
In this video, you will see German people greeting each other in various ways. Make a note, if you can, of the various greetings you can hear.
Notice and discuss all the cultural elements in the video. What catches your eye? In what ways does it look different from your home country?
In this animation, you will learn some of the phrases used for greeting someone in German at various points of the day and in different contexts.
In this animation, you will learn various ways to respond to the “Wie geht’s?” question, as well as express other feelings and emotions.
This short animation with voices of German native speakers will present you with possible answers to the “Wie geht’s?” (How are you?) question.
Make a note, if you can, of these answers.
The culture hunt consists of 8 short animations: each animation, including text, audio and illustrations, presents the topic simply, mainly in English, with a few German words/expressions added here and there. They are all “stand alone” animations and don’t have to follow a particular order. Please refer to the Teacher’s Notes for instructions on how to use them.
Challenge 1 – Games
Download the flashcards with various greetings and emotions. Teach your learners the difference between all these greetings. Embed them as part of your morning and/or evening routine.
There are various games you can play with a printed set of Flashcards, such as “mime the flashcard”, “find the missing flashcard” (KIM’s game); or with two sets: memory game, snap game, etc.
Challenge 2 – Talking
Use German to greet your learners, colleagues or family members at home at different moments of the day and get them to greet you back! You could film yourself and your learners doing a daily routine over a couple of weeks.
Can you see the progression? Cultural note: In a formal context, German people shake hands when they meet each other and when they say goodbye. Younger people normally hug their friends to say hello or bye or simply wave.
Recycle your learning
Game – Teach your family phrases in German and play the Observation Game.
Pupils take their mini pack of 8 cards home, teach the question and the 3 possible answers to their family and then play the game (see Teacher’s Notes).
Once you’ve managed your Challenges, you can start lesson 2!