We are learning to – Greet people and express feelings
Spanish for Schools 1
¡Buenos días, bienvenido!
Welcome to LEVEL 1 of our PowerLanguage online Spanish course for schools. This programme has been created to support Primary teachers – specialist and non-specialist – with the teaching of Spanish in their class.
The course consists of 6 lessons which contain a mixture of videos from our Spanish tutors, animations and PowerPoint documents, all combining to help you and your pupils enhance your knowledge of Spanish syntax, pronunciation, grammar and culture.
Please pause the videos at regular intervals to practise a word or a sentence with your learners. You should try to say them out loud several times, don’t just say them in your head, the words have to come out!
The teacher’s notes have been designed to give practitioners additional information for some of the online resources. We have also suggested extra activities to be done to reinforce the learning in class or at home. Each lesson starts with its Key Language, the translation in English and sound files to support non specialist teachers.
As well as a gentle linguistic progression, we have introduced cultural elements – one per lesson – through a series of short podcasts and animations. There is a fun quiz attached to each document. Cultural aspects linked to Spain and the Spanish language are an essential part of this course.
At the end of each lesson, we have a section called “Challenges”. This will help you and your class to apply your newly acquired knowledge. It will reinforce the learning and can work as an assessment for the lesson.
We believe that teachers can send a strong message to their learners – exemplifying Lifelong Learning – by telling them that they will be learning along with their pupils.
We hope you enjoy your course.
¡Qué os vaya bien!
Spanish 1 for Schools – Lesson 2
We are learning to – Say our name and ask someone’s name
Spanish 1 for Schools – Lesson 3
We are learning to – Say where we live and ask someone where they live
Spanish 1 for Schools – Lesson 4
We are learning to – Say our nationality and revise what we’ve learned so far
Spanish 1 for Schools – Lesson 5
We are learning to – Say how old we are, ask someone their age, practise numbers up to 69
Spanish 1 for Schools – Lesson 6
We are – Revising and consolidating